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How to create a profile?

Profiles are designed to assign custom permissions to users, allowing them to access only specific modules in uContact with particular permissions, such as viewing, modifying, deleting, and more.

  1. To create a profile, go to the Admin Menu, access the Users module, and then click on Profiles.

Create a profile

  1. Once here, press the "New" button, located in the top-right corner.

Create a profile

  1. Assign a name that identifies the profile and select an icon.

Create a profile

  1. You must select the permissions you want this profile to have. Permissions can be granted for each page, and within each page, you can assign permissions to view, modify, delete, among others.

Create a profile


Below are the different permissions that you can assign to the profile.


  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete


  • Import
  • Export
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete


  • Categorization

  • Holidays

  • Templates

  • Status

  • Blacklist

  • Contacts

  • Import

  • Export

  • Create

  • Update

  • Delete

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