With this guide, you will learn how to configure the WebChat channel in your campaigns. It's super easy and requires very basic setup. Let's get started!
In this section, parameters related to the functioning of the channel are configured.
- Enable: Allows you to enable or disable the channel so that no interactions are received.
- Strategy: Defines how interactions will be distributed among available users.
See strategies
- Service Level: Allows you to set a desired maximum time in seconds for incoming interactions to be answered by a user. Then, on the campaign dashboard, you will be able to see the percentage of interactions that met this time. If the time is exceeded, it does not mean the interaction won't be answered, just that it won't affect the Service Level compliance percentage.
- Bot on Start: You can select a bot to connect with the customer once the interaction enters the campaign.
- Bot on End: You can select a bot to connect with the customer once the user finishes the interaction.
- Send offline messages to this address: You can enter an email address where, when an interaction is received outside of business hours, an email will be sent with the details the customer entered when starting the interaction, such as name, email address, mobile number, and message.
- Max Transfer Time: Sets the maximum time in seconds that a user to whom an interaction was transferred has to answer it. After this time, the interaction will return to the original user who transferred it. If set to 0, there will be no maximum transfer time for interactions.
- Max Interactions per Agent: Sets the maximum number of interactions of this channel that an agent can have.
- Max Number of Chats: Sets the maximum number of interactions for this channel that can be in the queue.
- Max Time: This is the maximum time in minutes an interaction can remain in the queue. After this time, the interaction will be closed, and the customer will be notified that the interaction couldn't be answered.
- Auto-Finish: Maximum time in seconds in which the interaction will be finished if the customer remains in a disconnected state.
- Allowed Domains: Here you can enter the URL of the website from which the WebChat will be used, ensuring that WebChat cannot be used from other URLs.
- Max Time: This is the maximum time in seconds an interaction can remain in the queue.
- Bot After Waiting Time: If enabled, it allows you to assign a bot that will perform an action after the configured maximum waiting time.
- Enable Email: If enabled, it allows the customer to enter their email when starting the interaction.
- Allow Attachments: If enabled, it allows customers to send attachments.
- Offline Message: If enabled, when the campaign is out of hours, the customer can leave a message, which will generate an interaction.
- Show Phone Number: If enabled, it will show the agent's extension number to the customer in the WebChat window.
- Auto-Response: If enabled, interactions will be automatically answered.
In this section, you can configure the different messages that will appear in the WebChat widget.
- Welcome:
- Agent Unavailable:
- Out of Hours:
- Rating:
- Waiting Time:
- Add Language:
In this section, you configure the WebChat code to use on your website.
- Code:
- Download Wordpress Plugin:
In this section, you can configure the appearance of the WebChat on your website.
- Color:
- Show Agent's Name:
- Show Image in Message:
- Show Agent's Image:
- Campaign Image:
In this section, you can test the functionality of the WebChat based on the configurations you’ve made.
- Open Example: