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Telephony Hubs

With this guide, you will learn how to create and configure Outbound Telephony Hubs that you can use in your campaigns to automate and improve efficiency and customer service in an easy and fast way. Let’s get started!

Before You Begin!

Before creating the Hub, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a campaign created.
  • Have the Telephony channel activated and configured in the campaign.
  • Have an outbound telephony connector configured in the channel.

Which Hub to Choose?

Before starting, you need to define which type of Hub suits the needs and goals of your business. The choice will depend on various factors such as the number of agents, the number of calls, and more.


Preview Hubs first call an available agent in the campaign, and once the agent answers, the call is directed to the list record. It also optionally allows each contact in the list to have an associated agent, providing more personalized customer service.


Predictive Hubs first call the contact and then an available agent in the campaign. They use an algorithm that considers the parameters configured in the hub, along with various factors and statistical strategies, to increase call effectiveness and reduce abandonment rates.

This algorithm is based on the percentage of abandoned calls set in the Hub to calculate how many calls to make. With this Hub, it is not possible to assign an agent to each record in the list; calls will be distributed among available agents.


Broadcast Hubs handle mass calling of list records automatically, without the need for an agent. Once the customer answers the call, a series of audios can be played, transferred to an IVR, to a campaign, or to an agent.

How to create the Outbound Hub?

Is everything ready? Let’s start creating the Outbound Hub! It’s very simple and requires basic configuration.

  1. First, go to the Admin Menu and access the Automation module.
  1. Once here, click on the "New" button located in the top right corner.
  • A form will appear where you will need to fill out the required information to create the Hub. Below, we explain each of the fields.


In this tab, you need to enter the basic information for the Hub.

  • Enabled: here, you should select whether you want to enable or disable the Outbound Hub. It will only function if enabled.
  • Name: assign a name to the Hub to identify it.
  • Campaign: select the campaign you want to associate with the Outbound Hub. Only campaigns with at least one active and configured channel for Telephony, SMS, WhatsApp, or Email will appear. In this case, the campaign should have the telephony channel activated and configured with an outbound connector.
  • Channel: depending on the selected campaign, the enabled and configured channels will appear. For this case, you should select Telephony.
  • Type: select the type of Hub you want to use. Not sure which to choose? Use this guide to pick the right type of Hub.

Once the Hub is created, you cannot modify any parameters in the Basic tab.

  1. After selecting the Hub Type, some tabs will appear where you can modify or keep the default settings. Let’s review the configuration!

Which Hub type did you choose?

Now that you’ve chosen the Hub you’ll use, it’s time to configure it. Select the Hub to learn how to do it.

How to configure a Hub Predictive?

Below we will show you the configurations you can make in a Predictive Hub.


Here you can configure the parameters related to the behavior of the Hub.

  • Attempts: This is the maximum number of call attempts that will be made to the contact until they answer. If the contact has multiple numbers in the list, once all attempts for the first number are used, the number of attempts resets and moves to the next number, and so on.
  • Time between retries: The time in minutes between call attempts to the contact.
  • Ring time: The maximum time in seconds that the Hub will wait before hanging up the call if the customer doesn’t answer. For example, if set to 30 seconds, the Hub will call the customer and ring the call for 30 seconds. If the customer doesn’t answer within that time, the call will be cut off.
  • Language: If audios are played in the Hub, the language selected here will be used.
  • Voicemail: If enabled, the Hub will detect calls answered by voicemail and will not deliver them to the agents.

Want to learn more about AMD? Access the full guide.

Voicemail Only if enabled

Here you can configure the parameters related to AMD (Answering Machine Detection) to adjust it according to the country.

  • Country: Select a country from the preloaded list, which has default settings.
  • InitialSilence: The maximum duration in milliseconds of initial silence before the greeting.
  • Greeting: The maximum duration in milliseconds of the greeting.
  • AfterGreetingSilence: The maximum duration in milliseconds after detecting a greeting.
  • TotalAnalysisTime: The maximum time in milliseconds the algorithm has to determine if the audio corresponds to a human or voicemail.
  • MinWordLength:
  • BetweenWordSilence:
  • MaxNumberOfWords:
  • SilenceThreshold:

It’s important to configure AMD correctly to avoid sending voicemail calls to agents.


Here, you will see the numbers configured in the connector associated with the Hub channel, in this case, Telephony. You can select the numbers you wish to use in this Hub, add new ones manually or in bulk, and also delete them.

How to add a new number?

To add a new number, simply type it in the "Phone Number" field and then press the "Add" button.

How to import numbers in bulk?

To add numbers in bulk, press the import button. Then, using the list import system, upload a list in the specified format with the list of numbers.

How to select numbers?

To select a number, i.e., to mark it as a number to be used by the Hub, you need to click the checkbox to the left of each number. If the checkbox is unchecked, the number will not be used by the Hub.

How to copy and delete numbers?

To copy and/or delete numbers, you can use the buttons at the end of each row.


In this tab, you can create a custom schedule for the Hub. If the default configuration is maintained without a custom schedule, the Hub will operate 24/7.

Don't know how to create a custom schedule? Learn how to create one with this guide!


Through recycling, you can generate new contact lists that allow you to contact only the clients you couldn't reach.

How to add a new cycle?

  1. To create a new cycle, first press the "New" button.
  2. Some fields will appear that need to be configured.

Here, you will select which labels will be considered for recycling. In other words, to recycle the list, only records with the selected labels will be used. The list will include global labels, default labels, and labels from the Hub campaign. The default labels are: Busy, No answer, AMD, Abandon, Error, Answer, agentDecline, and Sent.

Time before recycling

Once the list has processed all the contacts, the Hub will wait this time in minutes before recycling the list. If set to 0, the list will be recycled automatically once finished.


Lists can only be recycled once they are completed, meaning all contacts have been processed, and agents have labeled all interactions related to the Hub.

Activate the list after recycling

If enabled, once the Hub generates the new list with recycled contacts, it will automatically be activated but with priority 0. This means it will be activated but not processed. To begin processing, a priority must be assigned to the list from the Hub dashboard.

Cause Codes

Here, you can configure automatic labels based on the call's cause codes. These cause codes depend on the provider.

How to create one?

  1. To create one, simply enter a cause code, such as 18.
  2. Then, select the label corresponding to that cause code.

How to configure a Hub Preview?

Below are the configurations you can make to maximize the performance of the Outbound Hub.


Here, you can configure parameters related to the Hub's behavior.

  • Attempts: This is the maximum number of call attempts that will be made to the contact until they answer. If the contact has several numbers in the list, after all attempts to the first number are used up, the attempt count resets and moves to the next number, continuing in this way if there are multiple numbers.
  • Retry time: This is the time in minutes between call attempts to the contact.
  • Ring time: This is the maximum time in seconds that the Hub will wait before disconnecting the call if the client does not answer. For example, if set to 30 seconds, the Hub will call the client and ring for 30 seconds. If the client does not answer in that time, the call will be cut off.
  • Language: If audios are played in the Hub, the language selected here will be used.
  • Voicemail: If enabled, the Hub will detect calls answered by voicemail systems. If detected, the call will be cut off, and the interaction will be automatically labeled as AMD without requiring manual action from the agent.

Want to learn more about AMD? Access the full guide.


Here, you can configure parameters related to AMD to adjust them according to the country.

  • Country: Here, you can select a pre-configured country that already has a default setup.
  • initialSilence: This is the maximum duration in milliseconds of initial silence before the greeting.
  • greeting: This is the maximum duration in milliseconds of the greeting.
  • afterGreetingSilence: This is the maximum duration in milliseconds after detecting the greeting.
  • totalAnalysisTime: This is the maximum time in milliseconds the algorithm has to determine if the call audio corresponds to a human or a voicemail.
  • minWordLength:
  • betweenWordSilence:
  • maxNumberOfWords:
  • silenceThreshold:

It's important to properly configure AMD to avoid sending calls with voicemail systems to agents.


Here, you will see the numbers configured in the connector associated with the Hub channel, in this case, Telephony. You can select the numbers you wish to use in this Hub, add new ones manually or in bulk, and also delete them.

How to add a new number?

To add a new number, simply type it in the "Phone Number" field and then press the "Add" button.

How to import numbers in bulk?

To add numbers in bulk, press the import button. Then, using the list import system, upload a list in the specified format with the list of numbers.

How to select numbers?

To select a number, i.e., to mark it as a number to be used by the Hub, you need to click the checkbox to the left of each number. If the checkbox is unchecked, the number will not be used by the Hub.

How to copy and delete numbers?

To copy and/or delete numbers, you can use the buttons at the end of each row.


In this tab, you can create a custom schedule for the Hub. If you keep the default configuration without a custom schedule, the Hub will work 24/7.

Don't know how to create a custom schedule? Learn how to create one with this guide!


Through recycling, you can generate new contact lists that allow you to contact only the clients you couldn't reach.

How to add a new cycle?

  1. To create a new cycle, first press the "New" button.
  2. Some fields will appear that need to be configured.


Here, you will select which labels will be considered for recycling. In other words, to recycle the list, only records with the selected labels will be used. The list will include global labels and labels from the Hub campaign.

Time before recycling

Once the list has processed all the contacts, the Hub will wait this time in minutes before recycling the list. If set to 0, the list will be recycled automatically once finished.


Lists can only be recycled once they are completed, meaning all contacts have been processed, and agents have labeled all interactions related to the Hub.

Activate the list after recycling

If enabled, once the Hub generates the new list with recycled contacts, it will automatically be activated but with priority 0. This means it will be activated but not processed. To begin processing, a priority must be assigned to the list from the Hub dashboard.

Cause Codes

Here, you can configure automatic labels based on the call's cause codes. These cause codes depend on the provider.

How to create one?

  1. To create one, simply enter a cause code, such as 18.
  2. Then, select the label corresponding to that cause code.

How to configure a Hub Broadcast?

Below are the configurations you can make to maximize the performance of the Outbound Hub.


Here, you can configure parameters related to the Hub's behavior.

  • Attempts: This is the maximum number of call attempts that will be made to the contact until they answer. If the contact has several numbers in the list, after all attempts to the first number are used up, the attempt count resets and moves to the next number, continuing in this way if there are multiple numbers.
  • Retry time: This is the time in minutes between call attempts to the contact.
  • Ring time: This is the maximum time in seconds that the Hub will wait before disconnecting the call if the client does not answer. For example, if set to 30 seconds, the Hub will call the client and ring for 30 seconds. If the client does not answer in that time, the call will be cut off.
  • Language: If audios are played in the Hub, the language selected here will be used.
  • Audios: Here, you can select existing audios from the system or upload new ones to play when the client answers the call.
  • IVR: You can select an IVR from those already created in the system to connect with the client after the configured audios are played.
  • Press one: If enabled, the client can press "1" to automatically redirect to a campaign. If this feature is used, the IVR option will not be available.
  • Voicemail: If enabled, the Hub will detect calls answered by voicemail and will not deliver them to agents.

Want to learn more about AMD? Access the full guide.


Here, you can configure parameters related to AMD to adjust them according to the country.

  • Country: Here, you can select a pre-configured country that already has a default setup.
  • initialSilence: This is the maximum duration in milliseconds of initial silence before the greeting.
  • greeting: This is the maximum duration in milliseconds of the greeting.
  • afterGreetingSilence: This is the maximum duration in milliseconds after detecting the greeting.
  • totalAnalysisTime: This is the maximum time in milliseconds the algorithm has to determine if the call audio corresponds to a human or a voicemail.
  • minWordLength:
  • betweenWordSilence:
  • maxNumberOfWords:
  • silenceThreshold:

It's important to properly configure AMD to avoid sending calls with voicemail systems to agents.


Here, you will see the numbers configured in the connector associated with the Hub channel, in this case, Telephony. You can select the numbers you wish to use in this Hub, add new ones manually or in bulk, and also delete them.

How to add a new number?

To add a new number, simply type it into the "Phone Number" field and then press the add button.

How to import numbers in bulk?

To add numbers in bulk, press the import button. Then, through the list import system, you will need to upload a list in the specified format with the numbers.

How to select numbers?

To select a number, i.e., to mark it as a number to be used by the Hub, click the checkbox located to the left of each number. If the checkbox is unchecked, the number will not be used by the Hub.

How to copy and delete numbers?

To copy and/or delete numbers, you can use the buttons at the end of each row.


In this tab, you can create a custom schedule for the Hub. If you keep the default setting without a custom schedule, the Hub will operate 24/7.

Don't know how to create a custom schedule? Learn how to create them with this guide!


Through recycling, you can create new contact lists that allow you to reach out again only to those clients you couldn't contact.

How to add a new cycle?

  1. To create a new cycle, first press the "New" button.
  2. Some fields will appear that need to be configured.

Here, you should select the tags that will be considered for recycling. In other words, to recycle the list, the records with any of the selected tags will be used. The list will show global tags, default tags, and the campaign tags for the Hub.

Time before recycling

Once the list has processed all the contacts, the Hub will wait this time in minutes and then recycle the list. If set to 0, the list will be recycled automatically once completed.


Lists can only be recycled once they are completed, meaning all contacts have been processed, and agents have tagged all interactions related to the Hub.

Activate the list after recycling

If enabled, once the Hub generates the new list with the recycled contacts, it will be automatically activated but with priority 0. This means it will be activated but will not be processed. To begin processing, you need to assign a priority to the list from the Hub dashboard.

Cause codes

Here, you can set up automatic tagging based on call cause codes. These cause codes will depend on the provider.

How to create one?

  1. To create one, simply enter a cause code, such as 18.
  2. Then, select the corresponding tag for that cause code.

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