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Now that you have your campaign ready, you need to add users so they can start creating or receiving interactions. It's very simple, let us show you how to do it!

How to manage campaign members?

  1. Go to the Admin menu and access the Campaigns module.
  1. Once here, press the "Members" button for the campaign you wish to manage members for.
  1. Once you are in, you can start managing the campaign's members. There are two tabs from where you can perform different actions: General and Advanced.


In this tab, you can add or remove members from the campaign. On the left is the list of users, and on the right are the campaign members.

How to add members to the campaign?

You can add members to the campaign in several ways:

  • If you want to add all users, simply check the "Select All" box and then use the arrow to add them to the campaign.
  • To manually add users, click on any user to add them to the campaign, or you can also drag them to the right-hand list, and they will be added.

How to remove members from the campaign?

To remove members from the campaign, click the "x" next to the agent, and they will automatically move to the left-hand list, meaning they are no longer part of the campaign.


These changes will not be applied until you click the 'Save' button.


Once we’ve added members to the campaign, from the Advanced tab, we can perform different configurations.

In this tab, we will see the list of campaign members. For each one, the following information will be displayed:

  • Position in the campaign: Indicates the user’s position in the queue. This is important to consider if using Linear strategies.
  • User information: Displays the avatar, name, and username of the agent.
  • Enabled channels: Here, you’ll see all channels configured for the campaign and whether they are enabled or disabled for the user.
  • Permissions: For each channel, you can configure whether users can receive and initiate interactions, except for WebChat, which can only be configured to receive interactions.
    The agent is enabled to initiate and receive interactions.
    The agent is enabled to only receive interactions.
    The agent is enabled to only initiate interactions.
  • Penalty: Shows the penalty value for the user. It is a value between 0 and 100, and the higher the penalty, the less likely the user is to receive interactions.
  • Change order: Allows you to change the user’s position in the campaign queue. You can also drag the agent to a new position.

How to make changes?

To make changes in the configuration, you can do it in two different ways.

  • You can make changes manually, i.e., to each specific agent, modifying the penalty, order, etc.
  • Alternatively, you can apply changes in bulk by checking the "Select all members to edit together" option. This allows you to apply changes to all agents, for example, disabling the Telephony channel for all agents.

What configurations can be made?

In this tab, you can make several configurations regarding the users and the role they will have in the campaign. Below are the details of each one.

How to assign a user to a channel?

To assign a user to a channel, simply click on the channel, and the user will be assigned to it. For example:

How to modify a user's permissions?

Once the user is assigned to one or more channels, you can specify whether they can initiate and receive interactions for each specific channel. By default, all users can initiate and receive interactions.

To modify this, click the arrow next to the channel, and a small modal will appear where you can enable or disable these actions.

How to change a user’s penalty?

To change the penalty, simply change the penalty number, which must be between 0 and 100. The higher the penalty value, the fewer interactions an agent can receive.

How to change an agent's position?

To change the agent's position, you can simply drag the agent to the desired position or use the up or down arrows on the right side.

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