Timeline Events
Below you will find the details of each event that an interaction can have, regardless of the channel. Some events are specific to certain channels, and these are specified.
Indicates that the interaction was initiated.
- Channel: indicates the channel of the interaction. It can be Telephony, SMS, WhatsApp, Email, WebChat, Instagram, or Messenger.
- Direction: indicates the direction of the interaction, it can be outgoing or incoming, depending on whether it was initiated by an agent or a customer.
- Date and time: indicates the date and time when the interaction started.
Hold Time
Indicates the waiting time between when the interaction entered uContact and when it was answered by an agent.
Automation Telephony Only
Indicates that an automation was executed during the interaction.
- Name: indicates the name of the automation.
- Campaign: indicates the campaign.
- Duration: indicates the duration the interaction stayed in the automation.
- Date: indicates the date and time when the automation was executed.
Indicates that the agent attended to the interaction.
- Agent's name: indicates the name of the agent who attended to the interaction.
- Campaign: indicates the campaign under which the interaction was attended.
- Queue wait time: indicates the time the customer spent waiting in the queue to be attended by an agent.
- Date and time: indicates the date and time when the interaction was connected with the agent.
Agent decline
Indicates that the agent declined the interaction.
- Agent's name
- Campaign
- Queue wait time
- Date and time
Indicates that the agent transferred the interaction.
- Time: indicates the time that passed between the user transferring the interaction.
- Transfer type: all transfers can be to a specific agent or to a campaign. If it’s Telephony, it can also be to an external number, and another level is added, where the transfer can be either attended or blind.
- Can be attended or blind. Telephony Only
- To an agent. All channels
- To a campaign. All channels
- To an external number. Telephony Only
- Destination: indicates whether the transfer was to a user or campaign, and also specifies the user or campaign to which it was transferred.
- Status: indicates whether the transfer was successful, i.e., whether it was attended by the user or campaign to which it was transferred.
Transfer to user
Transfer to campaign
Indicates that the user dispositioned the interaction and provides details of all the levels selected.
Parking Telephony
Indicates that the user parked the call.
- Time: is the total time the call was in parking.
Indicates that the user ended the interaction.
- Total interaction duration: is the total time the interaction lasted.
- Completion date: is the date and time when the interaction ended.