New Contact
When creating a new contact a blank form of the contact view will be shown.
Some of the Fields of the contact view will be required at the moment you create a new contact or edit an existing one. Those fields will be marked with a red legend below that says "Required Field".
Take into account that depending on the configuration of the Identifier of uCRM, validations will be made when you save the contact to see if they match with existing contacts.
In case any conflict is detected you will be notified and if you decide to continue adding the contact your new contact will be saved as temporary and you will need to use the Conflicts tool to add it as permanent or merge it with an existing one.
Also the identifier configured in uCRM can determine that certain fields are required or at least some of them must be completed. In another section of this documentation we will explain how Identifier works, how conflicts with other contacts are detected and how to resolve them.