Interaction View
We name Interaction View to the Contact View of uCRM that pops-up during an interaction in uContact X.
It's almost the same Contact View (Reduced or Full) but with specific behaviors.
When an interactions starts in uContact X and uCRM is opened, uCRM will receive information about the current interaction to help you find the contact with which you are interacting or create a new contact with the information available of the interaction. There are different ways that uCRM reacts to an interaction.
First of all, if uContact X has a ContactID on the active interaction of an existing contact in uCRM it will be sent to the Interaction Contacts View and the specific contact will be displayed. If uContact X does not have a ContactID, uCRM will try to find the contact by ClientID (could be a phone number, an email, an instagram id, etc).
In this case we have different possible behaviors:
- uCRM founds a unique contact with the provided ClientID: in this case uCRM will show the details for that contact specifically.
- uCRM founds multiple contacts with the provided ClientID: in this case uCRM will show you a list of the matching contacts for you to select the one you want to manage.
- uCRM doesn't found any contact with the provided ClientID: in this case uCRM will allow you to create a new contact assigning the ClientID automatically as phone number, email or other ClientID depending on the channel of the interaction.
- uCRM founds a contact with the provided ClientID but you decide to search manually for other contact: In this case uCRM will offer you to assign the ClientID to the selected contact.
As we mentioned before, uCRM can have Custom Sections on the Contact View. Those section can be configure to be visible for specific campaigns. During an interaction if a Section is configured to be shown for the campaign of the active interaction it's going to be visible, if not uCRM will hide that section.
Regarding on how you use your Inbox in uContact X, uCRM will open the Reduced Contact View or the Full Contact View when the interaction starts.