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In this module, you will have a list with the interactions, by default you will see the interactions of the day. All the interactions in only one screen.


Start timeIs the start time of the interaction.
ContactIs the telephone number, email address or account name of the customer, depending on the channel.
CampaignHere you can see the list of campaigns where the interaction passed.
AgentHere you can see the list of agents of the interaction.
DispositionIs the disposition selected by the agent
DurationIs the total duration of the interaction.
DownloadIf you press this button, the interaction will be downloaded. If is a call interaction, the recording will be downloaded and if is a text interaction an image with the messages will be downloaded.


DateYou can select the range of days you want
ChannelsYou can select the channels you want to see
CampaignsYou can select the campaigns you want to see
AgentYou can select the agents you want to see
DispositionHere you can see the disposition that was selected by the agent.
DurationHere you can see the total duration of the interaction
DownloadIf you press the button, the interaction will be downloaded. If is a call interaction, the recording of the call will be downloaded and if is a text interaction, an image with the messages between the agent and the customer will be downloaded


You can select the range of days you want


You can select the channels you want to see


You can select the campaigns you want to see


You can select the agents you want to see

Connected interactions

If you check this option, only interactions that has

Outbound hub interactions

Interactions that were made by an Outbound Hub.


You can put the callerid of the customer. Depending on the channel, the callerids can be telephone number, email or name.

Interaction details

You can take a look of the interaction details just pressing over any item of the list and the detail is going to be opened inmediately in a new pop-up with a complete timeline with events, the transcription of the interaction, metrics, quality models, and much more interesting things!


In this timeline you will have the detailed events of the interaction, including information such as agent, campaign, time and duration per event. Some events also indicates the direction of the interaction with an arrow, if it's inbound or outbound.


You can see some events in the timeline that are really important. Below is a brief explanation of each one.


Indicates that the interaction was started. Also, indicates with an arrow if the interaction is inbound or outbound.



This event indicates that the interaction was attended by the agent. Also, include the name of the agent, campaign, time and the time of the event.


This event indicates the time


This event indicates that the agent selected the disposition for the interaction.


Indicates that the interaction was finished. Also, indicates the total time since the interaction was started and finished and when was finished.

TotalIs the number of agents who are members of the campaign.

uContact by net2phone