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Is really important for supervisors to see in real time the performance of each campaign. It allow them to take actions in time to improve different aspects such as SLA and others. In uContact, you can supervise campaigns really easy.

Campaigns Analytics

If you access to Campaigns, you will have a dashboard with all the campaigns and different columns with metrics.


There are a lot of metrics that are going to help you to see the performance of each campaign! Below, you have an explanation about each one.

TotalIs the number of agents who are members of the campaign
LoggedIs the number of agents that are logged in
AvailableIs the number of agents that are available to receive new interactions.
QueueIs the number of interactions that are waiting to be attended by the agents.
Total interactionsIs the total of interactions that the campaign received in the day.
Incoming messagesIs the total of incoming messages that the campaign received in the day.
Outgoing messagesIs the total of outgoing messages that the campaign sent in the day.
Service levelIs the porcentage of the service level
Incoming interactionsIs the total of incoming interactions that the campaign received in the day.
Hold time
Outgoing interactionsIs the total of interactions that the campaign received in the day.
Agents transfersIs the total of transfers by the agents in the day.
Attended time
Campaigns transfersIs the total of transfers to another campaigns by the agents in the day.
First response
Attended interactionsIs the total of attended interactions in the day
Completed incoming interactionsIs the total of incoming interactions that were completed by the agents.
Attended agents transfersIs the total of tranfers that were attended by the agents
Completed outgoing interactionsIs the total of outgoing interactions that were completed by the agents.
Average incoming interactions
Average outgoing interactions
FTETotal logged time in seconds of all agents belonging to the campaign
Attended before service levelIs the number of interactions that were attended before the service level.
Attended after service levelIs the number of interactions that were attended after the service level
AbandonedIs the number of interactions that were abandoned in queue before they connected to an agent
Abandoned before service levelIs the number of interactions that were abandoned in queue before the service level.
Abandoned after service levelIs the number of interactions that were abandoned in queue after the service level.
OccupationIs the occupation time of the agents


You can use different filters to see only the information that you want. Below is a brief explanation of each one.


Here you can select the range of time for the stats. The available ranges are: today, this week, this month and custom.

Range of timeDescription
TodayShows the stats of the day
This weekShows the stats of this week
This monthShows the stats of this month
CustomAllow you to select the range of time you want for the stats


Here you can select the campaigns you want to supervise.


Here you can select the metrics you want to see in the dashboard.

Refresh time

Also, you can set the refresh time interval of the stats or refresh manually pressing the button, the possible values are the following:

  • Never
  • 5 seconds
  • 10 seconds
  • 30 seconds
  • 1 minute
  • 10 minutes
  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 2 hours
  • 1 day

Campaign Analytics

You can click on any campaign to view the specific metrics of this campaign specifically. There, you can see the average times, abandon rates, service level, ACD, agents status and charts.


There are different charts that are really useful for Supervisors to see the performance of an specific campaign.

Average timeIs the average of hold time, attended time, incoming messages and outbound messages
Abandon rate
Service levelIs the percentage of service level 1 and level 2
AgentsRepresents the number of agents by status


You can use different filters to only see the information you want. Below is the explanation of each one.


There you can select the range of time for the stats. The available ranges are: today, this week, this month and custom.

  • Today
  • This week
  • This month
  • Custom


You can select the channels you want to see in the dashboard.



You can select the status of the agents you want to see

  • Connected
  • Disconnected
  • Supervisor
  • WrapUp
  • Training
  • Personal
  • Manual dialing
  • Bathroom
  • Meeting
  • Break
  • Data
  • Channel
  • Lunch


PositionIndicates the position of the customer in the queue.
TimeIndicates the hold time of the customer in the queue.
Client idIndicates the number of the customer.
Agents list

Below is the explanation of each column of the agent list.

ChannelsIndicates the channels that the agent is member.
UsernameIs the username of the agent.
StatusIs the current status of the agent.
ActiveIndicates the channels where the agent has active interactions
Last interactionIndicates how long ago the last interaction was attended
CompletedIndicates the number of interactions that the agent have closed.
ActionsInfo, Spy, Pause, Chat and Logout.
Agent actions

There are different actions you can do with each agent, below is the explanation of each one.

InfoAllow you to see the agent dashboard.
SpyAllow you to spy the agent screen. To use it, is necessary that the agent share her screen.
PauseAllow you to put the agent in break.
ChatAllow you to send a message to the agent.
LogoutAllow you to logout the agent.

uContact by net2phone